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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Rough draft for the feedback form, part 2

After couples of hours working, this is my feedback form for the writing center. It's based heavily on the form used by the Academic Skill Center, but it incorporates some specific aspects of the writing center.

1. What was the class that your writing assignment was for?

2. If you selected "Other" in question 1, please explain.

3. The tutor helped me to strengthen my writing skills (i.e. grammar, sentence structure, critical thinking, thesis formulation, essay organization, etc.)

4. The consultant was willing to provide a variety of explanations and approaches to help me explore my writing assignment.

5. As a result of my work in the Writing Center, I was able to (please check all that apply):
Improve my writing assignment
Resolve a particular need or concern of my writing assignment
Develop a strong idea on how to revise my writing assignment
Learn an effective writing strategy
Improve my writing skills
Better understand how to complete a writing assignment
Other (please specify)
6. Do you have a clear idea of how you are going to revise your writing assignment?
7. Do you feel motivated to go back and work on your writing assignment?
8. How helpful do you feel these sessions have been to you?

9. How did you find out about the Writing Center?

10. If you selected "Other" in question 7, please explain.

11. My knowledge and understanding of the the writing process has improved because of my efforts invested in writing consulting.
12. My personal writing is more effective because of the time invested inwriting consulting.
13. I feel more confident about my ability to succeed with a writing assignment as a result of my visits to the Writing Center.

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