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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Third shadowing experience

Today was my third shadowing session. Unlike the usual schedule, I showed up at 10 instead of 11, for my consultant has told me that she had no appointment later on. I found her in the room doing some work. She didn't look as fresh as usual. The same could be said for me, or anyone else caught during this week of midterms and exams. We talked for a while while waiting for the writer to show up. Wanting to learn more about being a consultant, I asked mine what the most unpleasant things that could happen to you in this profession. To my relief, she said there wasn't many, but no-show was one of the annoying things that were happening right then. Or the students forgot to send us their draft, making the session unnecessary long. It was like "the students forget the fact that we are also students", she said. That got me thinking for a while. I used to regard this consulting job as a profession, something I could take pride in. Yet I forgot that I was also a student, and that it had to come first. Thus, consulting wasn't the only thing we did, nor was it the only thing we had to do. Thus, having a no-show was a serious waste of our time and resource. Seeing that the writer would not come, I then proposed to come back later at 11.

The consulting session at 11 went out smoothly, just like textbook. There wasn't much to say. A male student from a Sociology 101 class needed a read-through for his paper. My consultant praised his paper for the excellent ideas he had. The only issue was some restructuring. Toward the end, he seemed to be satisfied with the session. After a while, I wished her good luck with all the work and left myself.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Long!
    I agree with everything you said! Sometimes I wonder how I'll be able to balance being a writing consultant and keep on top of my academics. Also, I consider the times I went to a writing center consulting session before sending in my draft, and how it must have negatively impacted the writing consultant. It's important to be considerate of other people's time!
